Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Levi swimming

Hes not touching. Its like 4 feet deep. He figured out how to get the water wings to work and now there is no stopping him.


Derico Photography said...

Fun! We're enrolling the girls in classes at the center if you care to join me. I'll let you know tomorrow what time we're going for. I think it will be the monday wednesday friday class

Allyanne said...

I am pretty sure they have to be 3 before they can go to the swim class. Hes too old for the Mommy and me class and too young for the beginning class. So I think at this point I am going to wait till winter and start him in the class. Let me know how you and girls like the classes there.

Derico Photography said...

Aww... we'll definitely let you know how it goes. We got the MWF classes that start next week.

Jessica said...

Looks like hes getting it down, he looks so cute in those flooties..LOL

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