Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Fathers Day

Happy Fathers day. We had a good day. Went to dinner at Dennis and Sherry. Dinner was wonderful. There is always so much food and really good conversation. I am stuffed.
We got all our camping stuff gathered together. We are headed to Idaho for a week on Friday for the Hollon family reunion. It seems to me that we have a lot of reunion to go to this year (3) but I am looking forward to them. We had the first one yesterday, the Madsen family. It was hear in Sandy and we had a good time. I did not know anyone there but there were kids for Levi to play with and he had a good time.
We took my car into get the brakes fixed on Friday and $800.o0 latter I have a whole new brake system. We are both kind of freaking out still over the cost but apparently it was a whole lot worst than we thought. But it had to be done before we drove to Idaho. So the next month is going to be super tight as we recover from the repair cost.
Our garden is growing real well. We have tomatoes on 5 out of the six plants and one of the squash plants have a squash on it. We planted a few dinner squash and I cant remember which one is which so it will be a surprise when it gets bigger.
I feel like I am all over the place with this post, sorry buts that's the way it has been. I have not been feeling really well and there is so much to do before are camping trip to Idaho.

1 comment:

Mrs Mommy said...

Glad your enjoying life. Sorry to hear your are still sicky. UGH. Travel safe to Idaho and have a great time!

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