Tuesday, June 23, 2009


I feel lost without my camera. I was really hoping to have one before I go to Idaho but I dont think that is going to happen cause of the car repair we just had. I really miss it. Jer told me to find our old one which was turned into a Levi toy when we got the new one. So maybe today I will hunt for that one and see if it still works.
My moms group has changed organizers and I am sad about that. The group has really changed and I am not sure if there will be more changes now. There does not seem to be anything on the calendar any more which makes my like pretty boring. The new Organizer is famous for canceling all her events at the last minute which drives me batty. I hate when plans change.
Jer is now sick. We have all got the cold now. I am sort of feeling better but I am just so tired. This baby is sucking the life out of me. My sciatica is getting worst and worst. It use to be just when I slept and and now its more of a constant pain all the time. Its not to bad yet but its just constant and there is nothing to relive it. I am really hoping that sleeping on the ground in Idaho is not going to make it worst. The heart burn as started too.
I guess I woke up on wrong side of bed. Sorry about the vent.


Mrs Mommy said...

Hugs honey. I know change can be hard for so many people. Sorry that the moms group is not giving you what you need.

La Dayna said...

I'm so sorry. I ALWAYS have a problem with the siactica (sp)
I don't know any secret trick for it either... I ate a lot of tums with Stevie. My brother swears milk helps heartburn if you can stand drinking it that much. I wish I had a cure for you...

I hope that the change with the moms group helps and that it will work out better then you expect.


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