Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Wishing my life away

I am so excited to go to California. This week is crawling by. I wish next Wednesday would hurry up and get here and than while I am in Cali time can go really really slow. I really need to get out of here for a bit, change up the routine. I cant wait to spend time with my sister. I have really missed her.
Levi was talking to my mom last night and he asked if she was coming to Levis house, she told him that he was coming to her house and than he says "yeah, I am so EXCITED". It was really cute.
I have tried to fill my week up with things to keep us busy so time will hurry but its not working yet.
I put a hold on our mail for when we will be gone, and this weekend will be spent cleaning the house and getting ready to leave. Jeremy comes back a week before me and the boys we need to stock up on microwave dinners and such.
Seeing as it snowed yesterday I am that much more ready for some California sun.

1 comment:

Derico Photography said...

LOL, yeah, that last week is always super hard to get through! It will be here before you know it though.

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