Saturday, May 22, 2010


We left both boys with Leslie our babysitter tonight. Jer and I took the motorcycle to a friends BBQ. Its still freezing here right now so it was a very very cold ride and we just went to Magna but it was a ride none the less. We were gone for about 2 hours and every one was still alive when we got back. We had a great time. It was nice to get out for just a bit. Leslie is great with both kids.
If you know me, than you know it was a huge step to leave Kyle with a teenage babysitter. I did not leave Levi with a babysitter until he was like 2. I am glad I did though. It was nice to get out and have some adult interaction.

On a completely different note Levi is not doing to well with soccer. He played all of about 10 minutes today and than he was done and refused to play any more. I am not sure he is quite ready for it.


Derico Photography said...

Hey, how much does she charge?

Allyanne said...

Appernlly we pay her way too much lol, her dad came up to me in church and said we have to stop paying her California wages. From what I hear the going rate is 2.50 an hour per kid.

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