Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Lazy Tuesday

Yesterday was super busy. I had to unpack, and do all the laundry from out trip. I also took Levi to the doctor. Hes got a very slight ear infection so hes now on antibiotics. He seems to be doing better today.
It was also my moms birthday yesterday. Happy Birthday Mom!!
I started weeding the garden. Which is getting harder and harder cause its hard for me to sit on the ground the bigger I get.
Its gotten almost impossible for me sleep. My Sciatic nerve really really bothers me when I lay down and makes it impossible to get comfortable. Which makes it impossible to sleep.
So I have done nothing today.

1 comment:

Derico Photography said...

Hey, some times no news is good news! Glad you took a day to relax... well, as much as was possible. Madison has an ear infection too :p guess it's going around. Hope her feels better soon!

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