Wednesday, July 29, 2009


I went to the doctor on Monday and everything was fine. He says I was measuring right on schedule and the baby sounds fine. I than had my Glucose test. They make you drink this orange drink that is loaded with sugar. It kinda tastes like a melted Popsicle with a very nasty after taste. Than you wait for a hour and they draw all sorts of blood.
Yesterday I got home from a morning of a bunch of errons and had a message from the Doctors medical assistant that I needed to call. I knew they only call you if something is wrong with the lab work. So I called them back and she said that my sugar test was fine but I am really really really anemic. So today I got to go get me a bunch of iron pills and try to get my number back up which can take 6 weeks of taking the pills to work. This does however explian why I have been so tired.

1 comment:

Derico Photography said...

Yep, same thing happened to me. Yummy iron pills! I have been good at eating my spinach since... toot toot!

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