Monday, July 13, 2009

Chicken Poxs

Levi has the chicken pox. Yesterday I noticed two little bumps one on his arm and the other on his collar. They looked like over grown zits. I asked Jer to look at them and he said that they looked the zits. But when he tried to pop one it was really hard. So than I started to think maybe they were flea bits.

Than this morning when we woke up he had about 7 more of them. Jeremy stayed home from work today for what I like to call a mental health day and we got kind of worried cause they multiplied over night. Jeremy wanted to take him to the doctor and I was afraid that they were flea bites and I did not want the doctor to tell me that. But its worth it to pay the $10.00 for the peace of mind. So we went to the doctor and she said they look like chicken pox. He had the vaccine so this is just a super mild case of them. He only has 8 or 9 bumps and they are not bothering him at all and he does not have a fever. The doc said that cause he had the vaccine than most of the time he cant even spread it to others. But its better to be safe, so we are going to lay real low until they scab over and hes all healed. The doc also told me to call my OB doc and just make sure that I am ok. My doc said that because I have had them than I have nothing to worry about. I have no idea where he got them. It could be from any where. But the doc said that its about 7 to 10 days that the virus incubates for. So that puts us up in Idaho where he might have got them . Jer called his mom and told her to make sure everyone else that was there knows. I guess this is just one of the many joys of being a mom.

On a totally different note, we canned some of our beets today. Jeremy got some money for his Birthday (thanks mom and dad) and we bought a pressure canner with the money today and tried our hands at canning. I really wish my mom was here to show me how to do it. But I did call her a bunch and I read the instruction booklet about a dozen times. After all was said and done we got 3 cans of beets. Jeremy is so excited about canning. He really likes the fact that we are canning our own food. I think its fun too. We both cant wait to can more things.


Mrs Mommy said...

Sorry to hear Mr. Levi has the bumpys! I think that rocks that you guys are canning! I wish we were gardening so we could do that too. Hopefully next year we will get one going! HUGS!

Derico Photography said...

Hehehe... why do you think we have so many freakin trees... for canning of course! Only two granny smith's this year, but gobs and gobs of grapes. We are contemplating making grape jelly... Cory's mom has some sort of apparatus made to juice and strain them, more than just a regular juicer.

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