Sunday, April 19, 2009

Bye Grandma

My mom left yesterday right after she got here it seemed liked. It was so nice to have her here. I love having another women in the house and she was such a big help. We got Levis big boy bed painted with the first coat and Jer built the frame for it. We want to have Levi in his new room by the end of summer so we can get the nursery set up and Levi sleeping good in the new room before the baby comes. My mom also gave us a wonderful info about how to set up and plant our garden. The tiller was suppose to be done on Saturday so we could get started but its not done yet.
After church today we went over to Dennis and Sherrys. Dennis just had surgey last week so we went over there to say hi and make sure hes recoving. I just have to say that 1 o'clock church is so hard. That is right at Levis nap time and by the time we get home at 4 its to late to give him a nap cause he will never go to sleep at night. So hes sitting in the chair with Jer right now and hes been in the worst mood since we got home from church. We had to leave Dennis's early cause he was just a pill. Hes going to bed in the next 10 mintues.
I have my second doctor appointment tomorrow. I am looking forward to it.
I have picutres of this weekend and the bed, I will upload them latter.

1 comment:

Mrs Mommy said...

I am so glad that life is going so well for you right now. I can't think of anyone that deserves it more. Can't wait to here about your next appt and I am glad you got to have your mom for a few days. I know how much you miss her.

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