Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Thanksgiving Eve

It has been a long time since I blogged. We have been busy. Last weekend we left Levi with babysitter that was not family for the first time. He did great. He did not cry once when we left. He has never not cried so that was very cool. He was sound asleep when we got home. I was very happy with the babysitter and we will be calling her again. Jeremy and I went to an 80's party at my friends house that night. We had a blast.
Levi has learned how to sing the Isty Bisty Spider song. Its really cute. I will post a video of it soon.
We are going to have Thanksgiving dinner with Grandma and Grandpa Madsen tomorrow. I am making a green been casserole and two pumpkin pies. I hope that we have a good time.
Jeremy had a half day today and we all went swimming and had a good time. Jeremy also has the next 4 days off so I am looking forward to having him home.
Levi has been very very constipated so much that he will cry and scream when he has to go because it hurts so much. So his doctor told me to try some benifiber and I have been but it seems to not really be helping. So tonight I got some soy milk and I am going to see if he is allergic to milk. For the next two weeks I am going to try and not let him have any milk and see if it helps. I know that if he associtates going potty with pain than we are going to have a heck of a time potty traning him so I want to fix this problem as soon as possible.

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