Wednesday, November 5, 2008

I voted.

I did vote yesterday. I was not going to because the night before I had a bad dream about my political opinion. But than at the last minute I decided to. I am glad that I did. I am not sure whats to come with our wonderful nation but I have hope that this is the start of the change that we need.
We had our first taste of winter this morning. I do have to say that I love the snow. Its so pretty and clamming. I cant wait for real winter and I hope that we get a whole bunch of really big snow storms.
Jeremy is going to California this weekend for work. Hes going to install some things at a Libray in Milpitas. I am more than a little bit jealous. But Jeremy has not seen his family in almost a year (11 months) so I hope that he gets to see them while he is there. He will leave tomorrow night and be back Sunday night unless the job goes longer. I am going to miss him but he will make good money while he is there. We are planning a trip to Cali as a family between Christmas and New Years. Jeremy has 10 days off so we are going to drive out there and spend some time with both our familys and I am really really looking forward to it.

Levi has learned that he can stand on the oven draw and get into everything.

Lilly almost for stuck up in the tree. It took her the longest time to figure out how to get down. She finally figure it out when it started hailing

Yesterday the storm was rolling in

This is what I woke up to this morning.
Its snowing

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