Saturday, November 8, 2008


I had a pretty good day. A friend invited me and Levi to dinner because she knew that Jer was out of town. So we had a nice dinner while the kids played. I am so blessed to have good friends in my life.
Jeremy is staying in California till Tuesday. They have a lot to get done and they have to wait on other people to finish their part before they can finish their part. So its going to take longer. Hes working hard and enjoying seeing his family.
I scared myself this morning. I let Sammy out to go potty first thing this morning and I noticed that the gate was wide open. That freaked me out because it is never left open. So I went out to shut it and turned around and saw the car door wide open. Now I was really freaked. So I went and checked out the car thinking I was going to find it trashed and the bogeyman hiding in the back seat. Everything turned out to be fine and I realized that I had just forgot to shut both the gate and the car. Wow I must have been way out of it when I got home last night.
I filled my gas tank today. We have not filled the tank since the beginning of summer. It was only $40 to fill it. I was so happy. Gas is $2.25 a gallon right now. I hope that it keeps dropping. Its still sad to think that I am happy about $2.25 but I have to look on the bright side and just be thankful that it has come down.

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