Saturday, May 10, 2008

Water Damage

Well yesterday I notice that water was leaking from the celling into my kitchen so I had my Father in law look at it and he called a plumber. The plumber came out and said that it was the sink up stairs that was leaking. He fixed the problem no big deal. Than my FIL called a water damage company to see about the water in the celling. And this is when the trouble started. They put up a huge piece of plastic around my whole entire kitchen and than stuck a heater with a blower in the kitchen which sounds like a jet engine. This morning when I woke up the thermometer in the house said it was 98 degrees in my living room. Its so loud in the main part of the house I cant even hear myself think and its so hot. I spent the morning in my bed room with the door closed and the window open. They said that we could not open the windows in the living room because they wanted it as warm as possible. I also have no stove and to get to the microwave and refrigerator I have to climb in and around all these cords and its like a hot box in there. They say it will be like that till Monday maybe Tuesday. I thought I was going to go crazy this morning. You cant even hear the TV the heater is so loud. I will be so glad with this is done. I took a picture of the kitchen because it looked so funny to me.

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