Friday, January 29, 2010

We are fine

Just to prove that we are all doing much better. Here we are feeling good.

When ever Kyle smiles his whole body gets involved and his hands come up to his face. Its so cute.

We are suppose to get the IV out tomorrow but the home nurse called and there is some confusion about how long he needs the antibiotics so I will be calling the doctors first thing in the morning. The nurse seems to think he needs to be on them for another 4 days, she was calling to schedule the dressing change, but my paperwork from the hospital says 6 days at home. I was really looking forward to getting rid of that thing tomorrow so I hope we can get this figured out. But if he needs it longer than we will keep giving him the antibiotics.
Levi has an ear infection now so he is also on medicine but hes doing really well.
I cant wait till winter is over and we can get healthy and be outside again.


Mrs Mommy said...

We are knee deep in ear infections over here too. LOL Cree and Rainee. Spring...PLEASE COME SOON!

Derico Photography said...

So, so, so, SO glad you are all doing better! Getting that PICC line out is the best feeling in the world. I had mine in for almost 4 months though, so I was ready to just rip it out myself by the end.

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