Saturday, January 16, 2010


Last night Kyle had a little cough and would start gagging when he coughed. This morning we woke up and his cough had gotten a little worse and he was almost panting. So I called the doctor and we saw the on call weekend doctor at the office. Yep you guess it hes got RSV. Hes most likely going to get worse before it gets better. The doctor is not worried about him cause hes such a big baby and he was full term but there are signs that we have to watch for, like if he stops eating, or his breathing gets worse, or he turns blue, or a fever above 100.4. Buts its hard to hear him coughing and than choking on the flem.
Jeremy had a real nasty cold/ sinus infection thing that lasted 10 days and is just now starting to feel better and that is most likely where Kyle got it from. It is a virus so there is nothing they can do but let is run its course. If he gets worse than they will give him oxygen but thats only in like 5% of cases.
Its just that time of year so we will be laying really low the next few weeks to a month.
I am glad that we were able to take him to the doctor this morning and get it all check out. I hope my baby feels better soon. He is a happy sick happy right now so that's good he just sounds awful.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

sad to here my little nephew is sick I know you will take good care of him and he will be all better soon.

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