Friday, October 2, 2009


Happy October. I dont have much to report and thats why its been so long since my last post.

I am loving the cooler weather. It snowed in the mountain the other day and it was really pretty to see. I am looking forward to the snow.

I am very very uncomfortable with this baby inside and in a fair amount of pain. I am just tired and hope that I dont have to do this to much longer.

Levi is getting so big. He will be three this month and its hard to believe that hes that old. Hes really looking forward to seeing his Auntie M and Cunkle Jeffey (the way he says uncle is so cute) for Thanksgiving I am to. I am looking forward to having everyone here.

It should be a busy month with all the fall things going on and the new baby coming this month. I am really hoping that he comes this month.

1 comment:

Mrs Mommy said...

I totally understand honey. Lets get together soon!

Here is to the new handsome baby boy makes his appearance sooN!

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