Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Baby Time

I had my doctor appointment today and we decided that I am done. Tomorrow I will be induced and have a baby. I am so happy and nervous. I am most scared that it will be like Levis birth when they scheduled me for the induction and than did not have a bed for me and we had to wait a whole extra day. I know that does not sound like a big deal but when you get all set and ready and than you cant have baby that day is not a nice thing to do to a pregnant women. So thats my biggest fear right now is that every pregnant women will go into labor tonight and they wont have a bed for me tomorrow. But its out of my control so worrying about it wont do any good.
My mom is on a plane right now (I hope) and will be here at 10:30pm so she will be staying with Levi. My plan is to be out by Halloween so I can enjoy my little Indian Levi.
I did get my H1N1 shot today at the doctor. I was really surprised that they had it at the office. But I got it so I hope that it helps.
I got a blessing by Jeremy and Grant (our neighbor) and that did make me feel better.
Our hospital bag is packed and ready to go.
So tomorrow morning I have to call at 7am to make sure they are ready for me.
Wish me luck!!!

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