Monday, July 26, 2010

July 24th Pioneer Day

We went to the Carling family reunion this weekend and celebrated the 24th. We had a great time. I took Levi and Kyle and Grandma Wonderful in the car with me and Jeremy rode his motorcycle down there so he could ride in the parade with his dad.
On the way down there our spray sunscreen exploded all over the back pack in the same pocket that our camera was in so our camera was completely toast. So I was not able to take any pictures. I did take some with phone but I was so mad about my camera.
Levi had so much fun playing with the kids.
We went and found lava rocks, and found an ice cave and just relaxed and had a good time. Amy took some pictures of everyone so as soon as she posts her pictures I will share them on my blog.
This was our third year going to the reunion and I am so glad that we are able to go and have a good time.

1 comment:

Derico Photography said...

Oh no! That totally sucks about the camera! Glad you guys got to have fun though!

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