Thursday, July 1, 2010

A week with out Daddy

Jeremy went home after Auntie Ms triathlon and me the little boys stayed another week. We stayed at my parents home. My mom does a preschool garden program at her house and Levi had so much fun with all the other kids to play with.
We really missed Jeremy and Levi was a little conserend and confused about where Daddy was. But it was fun to just hang out with my parents.
Kyle really look a liking to my dad and it was fun to see them interact together.
One night Amy and I went out just the two of us. My parents watched the boys. It was so fun to hang out with just Amy. We went and got our traditional ice cream at Maryann's (the best ice cream ever). Than we went and walked downtown Santa Cruz and all the crazes were out and I even danced barefoot to the the street band with the bums.

Got our ice cream

The bums dancing

Me dancing


Mom and Levi

Levi playing with some of the preschool kids

Kyle in the sun

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