Monday, February 15, 2010

Swim Lessons

Levi had his first swim lesson today. He is the only one in the class and his teacher is great. He had so much fun. Before you all think I am a bad mother, I did ask the doc on Saturday if I should not take him to swim because of his ear infection an he said that it was fine to swim.
Levi worked on floating and blowing bubbles and grabbing things off the bottom of the pool.
While he was swimming Kyle and I walked around the indoor track for a while. It felt good to get moving.
This weekend we got our tent trailer working. We picked it up from the shop on Friday and than Saturday we set it up and started the clean up. I took all the curtains down and am washing them. Levi is very very excited to go camping. So now we just need it to get a little warmer.

Our tent trailer

Kyle and I taking a rest

The kitchen

Levi napping in his bed

Levi and his teacher Lisa

1 comment:

Derico Photography said...

Fun! The girls had Tim. They called him "Tim the Teacher"

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