Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Jeremy went back to work today and my mom left this evening. I already miss my mom. She was the biggest help. It was so nice to have her here. She stocked me up on meals in the freezer meals and did everything around the house for a week. Levi loves her so much and he was really sad that she had to go home. He kept saying that he was going to California with her.
So with my mom gone that means tomorrow will be my first day by myself with two children. I hope it goes well. Levi is a little under the weather so I hope hes not to grumpy.
(the picture is an old one when I was still pregnant but I had to post one of me and my mommy)

1 comment:

Derico Photography said...

Aww... please don't feel bashful to give me a call if you need a break! Will you guys be able to make it on sunday?

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