Monday, September 21, 2009

What is that smell?

And no Amy its not me this time.

There has been this funky smell in the house for awhile. It was getting worse. Last night I asked Jeremy to look under the couch and see if there was something rotting under there. I was giving Levi a bath. I asked him if he looked later and he said no but he smelled over by the couch and did not think thats where the smell was coming from (men!!!!)
Today I said ok I will look while I was cleaning the floors. So I was sweeping and pulled the couch out and there was the usual junk under the couch but no rotting food, diapers, or animals (thought maybe the car brought in another bird). But the smell got worse when I moved the couch. So I sweep up and than start to move the couch back. Thats when I saw it. A DEAD MOUSE!! I called Jeremy and said that he needed to come home and take care of it. It was about 40 mintues before he was off. He said that he was not coming home early. I told him if that he has listened to me in the first place yesterday than we would not be having his conversation. So I than told him that I was leaving the house and Levi and I went for a drive. Jeremy came home and took care of the mouse and cleaned up after it. It was pretty stressful.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That's gross. Glad he took care of the dead mouse for the pregnant lady.

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