Sunday, August 16, 2009


I have not felt good this weekend. Saturday we rested and then went to a BBQ. I had a good time but just did not feel every good.
Toady I slept A LOT. I pulled out the hide a bed couch this morning and stayed there most of the day. I am lucky that my wonderful husband let me get sleep. I got up and made dinner but still don't feel good.

On a totally different note Levi still has a sippy cup of milk and half the time its chocolate milk about 4 or 5 times a day. I kept letting Jeremy that we need to stop this habit cause it is affecting the way he eats. He will fill up on milk and than eat nothing. So this morning I decided to stop. He can have milk in a big boy cup but the only thing in a sippy will be water. Its going to be a ruff week. Hes got into the habit of milk before he sleeps and when he gets tired he asks for his ble ble and milk. So hes been asking for it all day and has got upset when he only gets water. I am hoping that he will start eating more in a few days when he not on the liquid diet any more. I know that in the long run it will be more healthy for him but its going to be ruff to break the habit.

1 comment:

Derico Photography said...

Abby still has a problem with that... not the sippy cup, but the milk. She gets full on drinks and then she isn't very hungry, so we've been giving her water or just a little bit of juice during the day, and saving milk for meal time, and even then she doesn't get it until she has taken a few bites.

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