Monday, August 10, 2009


We went camping on Sunday night thru Monday afternoon. It was just a short get away. We went to Deer Creek Resivor. The weather was really nice. It got pretty cold in the middle of night but I had Sammy in my sleeping bag to keep me warm.
We went with some friends of ours and Levi loves playing with their girls.
I burnt my arm on the fire pit and that hurt.
It was a little to cold to go swimming but Levi and Jeremy had fun fishing. All they caught were little Blue Gill but Levi got a real kick out of it.

Jeremy and Levi fishing

We think there are kids under that dirt some where

Sammy dirty bum

One of the blue gills

Levi thinks hes going to drive us

My burn

A video of Levi and Jeremy getting a fish


Auntie M said...

Looks like fun.

Mrs Mommy said...

OMG. That is some serious dirt dude. Can you believe it didn't make me shiver either? I am getting so grown up, or was it that I gave up. Oh hell i can't remember. :)

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