Monday, August 24, 2009

Hump Day

I went to the doctor yesterday and everything is still fine. He told me I could resume normal activity so I took that to mean that I could catch up on all the things I did not do over the weekend. So I went shopping and did laundry and dishes and mopped the floors than when I finally sat down I started having contraction like crazy. At this point Jeremy was home so I asked for a big glass of water and drank so much water I thought I was going to turn into a fish, seriously I had never drank that much water in such a short amount of time. Jer was worried so he made me call the doctor. (I had about 8 contraction in about 30 minutes) They say you are suppose to call if you have more than 6 in an hour. But I told him that all they were going to say is rest and drink a huge amount of water and if they don't slow down come in. And that is exactly what they said. And lucky for me they calmed way down after I rested for a bit.
Monday I picked a bunch of tomatoes. I canned 5 jars of tomatoes and one exploded in the canner so I ended up with 4 jars. I still have no idea what I am doing so they did not turn out like I remember my moms looking but we will have to see if they taste ok when we go to eat them
Today I set up Levis new room and the took a 3 hour nap in there today. I am planning on a ruff night in the new room but we will see how it goes.
Jeremy is still working crazy hours and its hard not having him home when I am use to but it wont last forever.

These are the cherry tomatoes I am not sure what to do with

Levi sleeping in his big boy bed. He is really asleep.

Jars of beats and tomatoes


AuntieM said...

glad your doing better. Take it easy. Levi's room looks really good.

Derico Photography said...

Best wishes on the big boy bed! The canned jars look great. Take it easy... if you need anything, don't hesitate to give me or cory a call.

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