Saturday, August 21, 2010

The Beach at Herriman

I know it is a far cry from the real beach but that is what the name of this place is and it was exactly what I have been looking for since I moved here. Some where to swim out side, close to home, free, un-chlorinated and no "man" telling us what to do.
We went late in the day and the water was colder than I thought it was going to be. It was so much fun. I just wish I had found out about this place at the beginning of summer. But we will be getting much use out of it before the weather gets cold.
For the locals here in Utah here is the link if you would like to enjoy this little slice of heaven. Beach link
I cant tell you how much sun, water and sand soothes my soul. Levi had a blast too, he was swimming all over and throwing sand and digging.
The first picture of Levi and his Dark Vader mask. We found that at the DI for $5.00. He was happy


Jessica said...

That looks really fun!!

Derico Photography said...

Fun! Loving the Darth Vader mask, lol!

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