Sunday, March 28, 2010

Weekend Update

I think it is safe to say that Levi is potty trained. Its been 7 days and only two accidents. The last two mornings he has woken up with a dry diaper. Its made a big difference only have one child in diapers.
We are signing Levi up for soccer. We got him some shin guards and a soccer ball so we can practice at home. The games start at the end of the month.
He is doing really well in swim lessons. The last session ended on Friday but he will still be a Starfish on Monday cause he needs to be a little bigger for the next class. His teacher Lisa is not teaching this next session so we will find out who his new teacher is on Monday.
We are having spring weather around here. Friday we had sun, rain, hail, snow and wind. Today we got outside a little cause its starting to get warm.

Enjoying the sun

Trying out the new soccer ball

Kick it

I love that face

Soaking up the vitamin D

Even Sammy is outside

Practicing fishing

We started some seed last week and they are taking off like crazy. We better get working on the garden so they have some where to go when they get bigger.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Love fishing, I had a little kid fishing pole too. cute pictures, thank you for sharing.

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