Tuesday, March 16, 2010

LIfe is normal

Its been a long time since a post.
We are all doing well. Yesterday Levi had an appointment with Dr. Smith who is and ENT and there is fluid in his ears and its not infected right now but hes not suppose to have fluid and every time any doctor looks in his ear if there is not an infection than there is fluid so we are going to do tubes in his ears on April 5th. Than they will check his hearing about a month after that.
The weather is warming up and we were able to get outside yesterday and it felt great.
We are planing our trip to Cali and I am so excited. We get to stay on a house boat!
My mom also told me she coming out for Easter weekend and than makes me so happy.

1 comment:

Derico Photography said...

Poor little guy :( Hope everything goes well with the tubes!

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