Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Prayer Time

Just a real quick post cause I am tired and Jeremy is sick. I just had to share that Levi said his first prayer tonight. We sat down for dinner and I asked Levi if he wanted to say the prayer, I have asked him this before but he never takes me up on the ofter. So this time he told Dad to fold his arms and in a very quite soft reverent voice he said a prayer. I could make out three words in the prayer and the rest only God would be able to understand. I made out, Father at the beginning and Jesus and than Amen at the end. He was so proud of himself. I was so proud too. I have to admit that I teared up. After he said it he kept wanting to say another one through out the meal. So he would tell Dad to fold his arms and than he would say another one. I love Levi so much. I know that his Heavenly Father is proud of him.


Derico Photography said...

How stinking cute! I teared up the first time Abby asked if she could say the prayer and then actually did it. Zoe is getting into it now... they fight over who gets to say it every night.

La Dayna said...

omg!! that's so special

:-) what a little man

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