Saturday, October 18, 2014

Settlement Canyon

We went camping in Settelment Canyon this weekend. 

The weekend started off great. We had the campground almost all to our selfs and the fall leaves were everywhere and just beautiful. 
 Levi helped chop wood and we roasted hot dogs over the fire. 

Friday morning we woke up and had breakfast than went for a family mountain bike ride. 
We stopped along the way for some photo ops 

We had a leave fight. 

On the way down the hill we decided to take the road. We were going pretty fast down the hill and when we turned into the campground Kyle hit a patch of gravel and wiped out. I was in front of him and Jeremy was behind him. I stopped and Kyke jumped up screaming and running towards me. I picked him up and immediately noticed his chin. Jeremy pulled up and I told him to run get me a towel. We were about 400 yards from our campsite. I start walking  carring Kyke and his chin is just dripping blood all over us. I get back to camp and Kyle is screaming bloody murder as loud as he can. I tell Jeremy that he's going to need stitches. 
Kyle and I pack up and go to intsacare. The whole way they he's screaming about his jaw hurting not his chin. 
In the end he got 5 blue stitches In his chin. Once we got to the intsacare they put some numbing gel on it and than he took a short nap. During the stitches he never cried or flinched at all. He was such a big boy and now he's so proud of his stitches. 

After that ordeal we went back a finished our camping. We just took it easy the rest of the time. 

Kyke is still complaint that his teeth opdont feel like they are in the right spot and he can't open his mouth every big without it hurting so if he doesn't get better soon I'm going to take him to see his regular doc. 

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