Sunday, February 10, 2013

Levi lost his first tooth

Levi lost his first tooth. It's been lose for about a week and this morning he woke up and had a really really sad look on his face so I asked him what was wrong. He said he lost his tooth in the middle of the night and could not find it. So we all went on the great tooth hunt. Jeremy was the one that found it in the floor in Levi's room. I am glad we found it. We have a special box that we put it in and we will put it under his pillow and see what the tooth fairy brings him. I have a feeling that the tooth fairy will be bringing a nice crisp two dollar bill.

1 comment:

Mrs Mommy said...

YAY Levi! The tooth fairy leaves crisp 2$ bills here too! Hmmm. :P

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