Saturday, February 9, 2013

Chasing Cupid 5k

Ran a 5k this morning in the snow. It started snowing pretty heavy about 10 minutes before the race started. It was a really cold and skippy run. It was a fun run and was not timed but my phone said my time was 31:05. Which I am happy about. I started at the back of the pack with my friends and had to weave through a bunch of people to find my pace. It was also really slippery and my only goal for the race was to not fall so I went slower in some spots.
The run was called Chasing Cupid and they had 3 cupids that we running and if you "caught" them they would put a sticker on your bid with a number on it and than at the finish your number corresponded with a prize. I got a number and my prize was a pair of sunglasses.
We also got a finisher "medal" (it's more like a key chain).
Over all I had a good time and since I had some friends there it was even more fun.
Here are some pictures :)
Jeremy did not get any pictures of me finishing cause he had just got out of the bathroom with Kyle. I did sprint the last 50 feet :)

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