Sunday, February 12, 2012

Sunflower Seed Up the Nose

Kyle stuck a sunflower seed up his nose tonight while sitting on my lap.
He stuck it way way up there. We could see it but could not get it out.
So I took him to instacare.
The doctor had to dig around in there for ever. She had me put my mouth on his and blow to try and get it out.
Finally we had three people holding him and the doc made 4 and they used an instrument that was a really thin wire looking thing that they put in his nose and than made like an air bubble on the end of it and they had to do that three time and finally it dislodged it into his throat and he swallowed it. At least I hope that's what happened. It would have been a lot more satisfying to see it come out his nose but I have to take the Dr word for it that it's no longer in there.
Kyle was really upset and it hurt him pretty good all that digging around in his nose. I hope he learned his lesson not to sick things up his nose.

1 comment:

Derico Photography said...

Poor guy! I'd be kind of concerned that they didn't pull it out where I could see it, too! But glad it's all over.

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