Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Blessing Day

On Sunday the 29th we gave Kyle David Madsen his name and a blessing. It was a really special day. Jeremy did a great job giving the blessing. My Dad, Jeremys Dad, my brother in law Jeff, our friends Cory and Keith and Bishop Fellows all stood in the circle for the blessing.
We than had our family and friends over for a light lunch.
Grandma Madsen was admitted into the hospital this weekend cause her heart rate was so low that she passed out. So Sunday night Jeremy and I left the boys with my mom and sister and went to visit her. Jeremy helped his dad give her a blessing. Jeremy and his dad got to bless the youngest and the oldest Madsen in the same day. Grandma Madsen is doing better. She got a pacemaker yesterday and we hope that she is on the road to recovery.


Derico Photography said...

LOL! That's the don't take my picture pose! Glad Grandma Madsen is doing a little better.

Jeff said...

haha Kyle in that last picture looks like he had a little too much to drink!

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