Saturday, November 24, 2012

Santa Run 2012

Friday morning I woke up super early with Jeremy and Kyle and headed to the start the Santa Run. I walked/jogged this run last year and this year i have been training and this was my first 5k that I was going to run the whole thing. I was nervous. I had nightmare about the run the night before. I knew i could do it phically but mentally I was stressing.
We we got to the start and I got my race packet, put on my Stanta Suit and was ready to go. It was cold (like 34*), I knew that was toing to be the biggest challage for the run cause I am use to running in my very warm gym. Next they call for all Santas to come to the start. I was really suprised at hiw few people were running, there was only about 150 maybe 200 Santas running. We did some fun warmups as a group and than the count down and I was off. I had some technalical diffically with my music and could not be bother to fix it so I ran with out music. The course was out and back twice. It was cold and my face was freezing but I was running and I was not going to stop till the finish line. At the first mile my phone told me in my ear that it was a 9:45 min mile. I was so shocked to hear that. I had never ran faster than 10:45 miles. I got worried that I was not pacing myself. But I felt great. I was pasing people this year, last year i got lapped and this year I was running. I was proud of myself. I kept running and gave it my all. I crossed the finish line at 25:18. In one year I took 20 mintues off my time. I am hooked. I am looking for my next race. I never never never ever thought I would say this but I am a runner and I enjoy it.
I placed 13th over all the women and 2nd In my age group.
Let me say that again cause It feels so good to say it
i placed 13th over ALL the women and 2nd in my age group.

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