Sunday, October 14, 2012


Its been a long time since i have blogged. Life seems to be very busy and was going at light speed this sumer.
The weather has started to cool off and that means that my babies will be having thier birthdays in the next two weeks. Both of them are super excited about thier birthdays.
Levi is doing great in kindergarten. He is learning new stuff and loves to read. Its so fun to hear his version of what he learned and how his day went. He told me last week that Christopher Columbus did a very bad thing but could not remember what the bad thing was.
Kyle trys so hard to keep up with brother but hes still my baby and loves to whine and scream at the drop of a hat.
Jeremy has been working insane hours this summer and we hope it will return to normal soon.
I have been working out and exercising ALL the time and am very slowing starting to feel better about myself.
Me and the boys just went to CA for the weekend for Jeremys sister Rachels wedding and i got to see my family while i was there.
Here are some pictures of the last CA trip.
The great pumpkin hunt of 2012. All the grandkids had to find a pumpkin with their name on it in granmma and granpas pumpkin patch.

Levi was in mid sneeze when i snapped the picture :)

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