Today was cleaning day. I spent the good part of the day cleaning the hall closet. It was a total mess and now is sparking clean. I thew away two garbage bag of junk just from the closet. I am so proud of how it looks now. I also did the laundry and dished and swept the floor. When I was cleaning the closet I found an old purse of mine and I was making sure there was nothing in it before I threw it out and I found a Victoria Secret gitf card. Its from about 3 years ago and I knew there was money on it but I had no idea how much. So I called the number on the card and found $33.00 on it. I was excited.
Jeremy Madsen arrested for stealing cars, was the story on the news last night. I showed Jer the story and he thought it was funny. He got to work this morning and was called into the board room with all the CEO of the company and the HR lady. They ask Jer to give them one good reason not to fire him. Jer had no idea what was going on. He had forgotten about the news. They than ask how he got out of jail so quickly. Than they all start laughing. They knew it was not Jer but thought it would be funny to play a joke on him. Jer said he about had a heart attack.

Levi loves to help cook. He helped me cook dinner tonight and did a wonderful job. It turned out better than normal.
Getting started

One more glove

Opening the can of mushroom soup

Still trying to open the can

Pouring the soup in the meat

Cooking the meat

A little pepper

And some cheese on top

Sprinking the cheese

In the oven

Dinners ready


Eating the fruits of his labor

The best part of the whole thing was he did not have any pants on :)
We still dont have any plants in the gound but the pepper are still doing well inside.

lmao i love it!!
Hahahaha!!! Love it! That was too freaking funny about Jeremy! I made sure to shar your story with Cory... he is still laughing I think ;)
I so seriously LMAO! Poor Jeremy, is his heart still beating? I totally wish I had your patience, I would love to cook with the girls, I think.
I seriously burst out laughing when the picture of Levi came up with no pants on. That is so how it is at my house!
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