Levi slept in so there for I got to sleep in. It felt so good. Anyways, we got up and I was lying on the couch checking the computer and Levi was watching something on TV. I hear Lilly (the cat) come in the dog door and she is making a huge racket. Sammy (the dog) jumps out from under my blanket and runs into the kitchen. I look over there and they are both trying to get at something that's under the stove. I than see feathers. Oh no I am going to freak out. I call Jeremy (it was about 10 min before his lunch break), I tell him there is a half dead bird under the stove. He tells me to get it out. I tell him that he needs to come home and take care of it. He said he cant and he will take care of it when he get home. I have a huge phobia of dead animals and wild animals in my space. So I am already planing on not going in the kitchen unless I have to. Jer than calls me when he goes on lunch break and I plead him to come home and take care of it. He than convinces me that Friday is a short day and he will be home to take care of it in a few hours. So I go back to doing what I was doing and the animals leave the stove alone. Than I hear what sounds like the bird trying to get out from under the stove. I freak!!! I call Jeremy with visions of a bird that has one wing and its guts hanging out coming out from under the stove. I tell him that its trying to come out of the stove and he than says it probably just the cat under there. Than while I am on the phone the bird comes out and flies right at my head. I dive under the blanket and start screaming. Jeremy said that I was screaming so loud that his co workers could hear me on the phone. I than start crying and screaming at the same time. This REALLY freaks Levi out. He comes running over to the couch and tries to hide under the pillows on the couch than takes the papers that where on the couch and covers his face with them. Hes screaming and crying right along with me. Jeremy all the while is on the other line trying to get me to clam down and tell him what the hell is going on. Thur my screams and tears Jeremy finally is able to understand there is a wild bird lose to in the house and its freaking everyone out. Sammy was running around barking at it. Jeremy has about 5 minutes left of his 30 min lunch but decides to come home. I than make a bee line for the front door and get Levi to come out with me. We stand in the front yard waiting for Jer. Levi is still crying and I am shaking.
Jer comes home grabs the bird that is caught between the window and the blinds and lets it go where it flies away. He was just a little pissed cause I was freaking out and he had to come home and take care of a bird.
It sure got my heart pumping. I think I gave Levi a phobia of birds now. It was very traumatic for both of us. I was so glad Jeremy came home and took care of it.
When Jeremy did get off work for good we worked on the garden and its already to plant in. I am so excited to start planting in the ground. Thank you to our friends that let us borrow their tiller. It made the work go by so much faster.
Oh honey! WOW. That had to be scary for you guys! HUGS! The garden looks absolutely awesome! I will come see you soon!
Borrow? Oh, did Jeremy not tell you there is a rental fee? Guess we should have explained that a little bit better :/
Hahaha, just kidding! Sorry about the bird... I know how much you hate them... at least this one wasn't dead though, or maybe that just made it worse, lol.
When do you find out what you're having? We really need to start going though our stuff and get this yard sale out of the way, but I'd feel kind of bad if we sold all our girlie stuff and that's what baby ends up being.
Meghan--Yeah he told me. That should be real easy to build.
We will find out what we are having at the end of the month. If you cant wait I totally understand.
LOL your story was funny!!! the garden looks awsome and I love the new look for the blog. Miss you, and you go to tell me what you are having.
OMG! You had me laughing SO hard!! I'm so sorry
The Garden looks like its coming a long nicely.
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