Its been awhile. We had a three day weekend and had a great time. We did not really have any plans and just played it by ear. We had a fire in the backyard on Saturday night and roasted marshmallows and had somores. Some friends came over and they hung out around the fire with us. Levi loves to play with their girls so it was fun to watch them all run around the backyard together.
Today we went swimming at the outdoor pool here in West Valley. Jeremy got really sun burnt and my shoulders got a little pink but I was trying to accelerate my tan so I smeared baby oil all over instead of sun screen. I want to be nice and tan for Cali in two week.
Levis and Sammy

The beets

Lilly is due to have her babies in about 2 or 3 weeks

Our Garden


Levi roasting his first marshmallow

Jer and Levi going swimming

Where is this water park at? looks like total fun!
I cant believe Lily is having babies!! Can't wait to come see your kittens! Next time you have a fire and some fun give us a call! We would love to join in. Glad you had fun swimming!
I like your garden
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