My mom called me yesterday and said that she would help pay for plane tickets if I wanted to come out and visit. Jeremy and I decided that Levi and I could go out there for a week next month. I am so excited. I did not think that I was going to be able to go out there this summer and now I am going. Its going to be so fun. I wish Jer could come with us and I am going to miss him like crazy but right after I get home we are going to his family reunion and will be together for 10 days straight.
Last night my best friend from Cali came and visited with us. It was so good to see her. Levi took right to her and could not quite say Beth so it sounded like he was saying Bass. It was pretty cute. She left early this morning.
Jeremy had to work today, but when he got home we went for an adventure up Big Cottonwood Canyon. We went and visited a water fall. Levis favorite part was throwing rocks in the river. We than had lunch at a picnic area. On the way up there we saw a moose. It was so cool to see a real wild moose. It was just drinking in the river. It was still a little young one. Levi thought it was pretty cool
My friend Beth

The Moose

1 comment:
What a cool looking hike. And thats awsome that Beth came to visit. I'm so escited for you to come over here I can't wait. YEAH. Levi is getting so big.
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