Sunday, April 27, 2008


Today was Levi first day in Nursery. He did all right. He was not over joyed to be there. Half way thru they brought him to me because he needed a diaper change. So I cleaned him up and than took him back and he had a minor melt down but they said he did fine.
Than we had a big family dinner. There was 11 kids and 7 adults. Its was pretty crazy but Levi loved having the cousins to play with. The weather was great today so all the kids played outside. The weather is finally starting to get warm and I love it. I love being able to hang out outside after dinner and watch Levi play in the grass.
Tomorrow I start my new job. I had to set my alarm clock which I have not had to do in over a year. It will be hard to wake up earlier but I will get use to it.

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