Saturday, April 12, 2008

Grandmas Birthday

Today we went out to dinner at the Olive Garden for Grandma Madsen birthday. Jeremy, Levi and I were there along with Jeremy's dad and step mom and Grandmas two SI Ls and Jeremy's step sister Amy and her three kids. Its was quite the crowd. We had a nice time at dinner and Levi did very well. Grandmas actual bday is tomorrow and she is turning 87 I think. She is not doing very well health wise so I am always glad when we can get her out and spend time with here.
When we got home from dinner Levi was real tired so I bathed him and got him ready for bed and than I was singing to him and rocking him like I do every night and all of a sudden he threw up on me. So I called Jer in to help me clean him up while I changed my shirt. Levi got a new pair of jammies on. Well this is not such a big deal because we just clean it up and start the rocking and singing over but he threw up all over his BLANKET. He has a very special green blanket that he can not fall asleep without and he loves that blanket very much. So I asked Jer to put his blanket in the wash so it would be done asap. So I grab another blanket out of the closet as close to the feel of his blanket as possible and see if he will take it. He does not like the new blanket but he was so tired and did not feel good that he went to sleep with out to much fuss. But I have a feeling that he will be waking up in the middle of the night and looking for his blanket so I have it all clean and ready when he does.
I have been saying for months that I need a back up blanket so every where I go I look for the same blanket but I have not been able to find one yet. I really need to find one so I have an identical one when something like this happens.
So after Levi was asleep Jer and I ended the day by playing Guitar Hero II.

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