Monday, April 21, 2008


Levi has started to say so many words and he knows what they mean. His favorte words are "up" and "hot". He says up whenever he want to be held. Any thing that is warm is hot and he will blow on it. He will walk up to the space heater in his room and say hot and blow on it.
Today I was doing laundry and I had Levi blanket in the wash and I had timed it just right so it would be done by nap time because he cant sleep without it. So I put it in the dryer and than we went and ran some errons. I got home and it was nap time so I went to get the blanket and relized that I had not started the dryer. So all the clothes were still very wet. So I started the dryer and than waited a little while and than tried to put him down with another blanket. He was not happy. So after about 30 min the blanket was not dry but just a little damp so I took the blanket into him and wrapped him up in it and started to rock him again. He said hot hot and started to blow on the blanket. It was so cute.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He is so cute and so freaking smart! I love it!

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