Monday, January 7, 2013

New Year

The Friday after Christmas I took the boys on a train ride to CA. My mom had major back surgery and I went out there to help her. She got released from rehab the day I arrived so the timing was perfect. She is doing a lot better than I thought she was but she needed a lot of help with everything so I was really glad we went out there.
The train ride going out there was a bit overwhelming and exhausting. The train got delayed due to track repairs so instead of 17 hours we were on the train for 20 hours.
Beside helping my mom and dad we had Christmas with the Craig's which was a lot of fun.
My sis Amy and I ran a race on New Years Day. It was the Los Gatos Resolution run. It was 5 miles and the first 2.5 miles was straight up hill. It was so much fun to run with Amy. I had never ran with anyone before and she really pushed me. I had to talk for about 3 minutes up the last part of the hill which really discouraged me but overall we finished in about 53 minutes which I am happy about. After the race we had celebratory ice cream and went to the beach.
The train ride home went a lot more smooth and the train was right on time.
Here are some pictures from the trip.

1 comment:

Mrs Mommy said...

I have always wanted to take a train trip somewhere! SO glad you had a great time!

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