Sunday, May 23, 2010

Lazy Sunday

We had a great Sunday. We went to church and I was able to sit thurgh all 3 meeting. Jeremy did take Squishy out at the end of Sacrament meeting but other than we made it.
After church we can home and all took a short nap. Than just rested the rest the of day. It was so nice to just lounge around in our PJs.
This week I need to do a few things to get ready for our trip to Cali and than in 10 days we are headed to our highly anticipated vacation.

1 comment:

Derico Photography said...

LOL, yeah, I had to take Zoe and Madison home about 15 minutes after sacrament meeting because they were both screaming their heads off about not wanting to go to class or wanting to go home, or basically function at all.

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