Sunday, May 2, 2010

Sabbath Day

Kyle is really hurting from his shots on Friday and yesterday he developed a weird rash all over his body mostly on his stomach. So he has been really grumpy. I will be calling his doc first thing tomorrow morning. But we did make it to church today. It was nice to go. I sometimes feel like its a waste of time cause I spend more than half the time in the hallway with Kyle and days like today when he is extra grumpy I spend more time out of class than in it. But I am still glad that we went. Levi really enjoys going and is getting use to being a sunbeam.
We talked about keeping a journal in Relief Society today and I think of my blog as sort of my journal and my family record so I thought I would just write a short post.
I love my Savior, I am thankful for my Heavenly Father, I am thankful for the our family values. I am thankful for my boys. And I hope that we can grow as a family in the Gospel.

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