Thursday, March 4, 2010


Last week I started working out while Levi had his swim lessons. I know I am not "fat" but I have this belly that makes me look like I am still pregnant and it bothers me. So I decided that I would start working out. Instead of worrying about pounds and inches I have set a different type of goal. I want to run with my sister in a 5k over the Thanksgiving holiday. If you follow my blog you will remember that she ran in the Santa run when she came out here for Thanksgiving this past year. We have not decided if we are going out to CA for Thanksgiving or staying here ( I am really really hoping to go to CA) but either way I want to do a 5k. So today Jeremy and I were suppose to go to the gym after he got home but he ended up having to work way late so I went. I put both boys in the childcare. I am scared to death to leave Kyle in there but my want for a healthier me overcame my fear. I am so proud to say that I was able to do a 5k on the treadmill tonight. I know I am a long long way from keeping up with my sis but its a start. I love the way I feel but its hard cause I work out really hard and I want to see results. I want the instant gratification but its a process and I hope that I am able to sick with it. Levis last swim class is tomorrow but I have already signed him up for the next class which starts on Monday at the same time.


Derico Photography said...

Fun! I know it it so hard when you can't have the results immediately, but you can do it!

Anonymous said...

The immediate results that I remind myself of are how great I feel afterward, with all the endorphins going on and all. And how I feel a spring in my step, and the fact that I'm in a better mood. Those are instant when you work out and then the physical changes come too. I'm happy for you.

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