Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Teeth and no diaper

Squishy is trying to grow teeth. I have had a feeling that was his problem so I keep checking his gums and yesterday I noticed the smallest tip of a tooth. Hes getting so big.

I know that I should not mention any thing cause I am just going to jink myself but we are on day 3 of no diapers for Lumpy and only one accident. He even went to the gym daycare yesterday in big boy underwear and did not have an accident. Everyone told me that they will not potty train until they are ready and I believe them now. He just decided on his own Monday that he was going in the potty. I woke him up for swim lessons Monday morning and put his swim suit on and than when we were walking out the door he told me he had to go potty so we went. Than after swim lessons I put his pants on with out a diaper cause I did not bring any. Than I was signing him up for the next lessons and he said he had go potty. So with Squishy strapped to my chest in the bojorn we go to the potty and I am trying to hold Lumpy up with and hold his jacket out of the way but we went potty. So that's what started the whole thing. If he was ready to tell me that he needed to go potty while we were out than I have not put a diaper on his since (except at night). I would be every happy if he is potty trained but like I said I have probably jinks myself. But maybe I wont have the only 4 year old in diapers. Heres to hoping.

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