Today I was woke up by the oven repair person. I knew he was coming but I was still sleeping. My stove top heats up only for about 10 minutes and than shuts off. Its so frustrating cause it stays on long even too boil water but not long enough to cook anything. We have a home warranty so they said they would come look at it. So this morning he comes and discovers that all 4 burners do it and that we need all 4 heating elements replaced. The parts are on order but they wont be here for 7 days. So I get to not have a stove top for more than a week. I almost got a new stove all together. Oh well. I am grateful for the home warranty cause without them we would never be able to get it fixed on our own. Each heating elements are about $100 each.
Are you sick of my tulips yet?

1 comment:
definitely not sick of your tulips :) We have the better part of a hundred or more daffodils attempting to come up in the back yard... whoever thought they were doing a good job landscaping was on some serious CRACK! They are in the middle of the freaking grass! Anyway, come check out my blog and see my tulips... well, Thanksgiving Point tulips. Come leave some feedback... I love feedback, I live for it!
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