Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Fire Station

My moms group went and toured Fire Station 53 today. Levi had so much fun. He kept asking me for the keys to the fire truck. He was jumping up and down. He even gave the fire fighter in all his gear a high five. I did how ever want him to stand on the back and front of the fire engine so I could get a picture but he would not stand up there. So you can see in the pics that I got some of the other kids but Levi would have none of it. We all went to lunch afterwards and it was a great morning. Levi is napping now and I really should be napping but I wanted to get the picutes uploaded.
Enjoy the slide show.

1 comment:

Derico Photography said...

Too cute!

I wish I had known in advance you were going to a fire station! I am trying to get a hold of an unwanted fire suit, boots, and hat to use for children's portraits.

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